Smartship mid-term meeting


The virtual mid-term meeting of SmartShip took place on 18/09. All project partners,  Harokopio University of Athens, ITML, DANAOS Shipping Co. Ltd, BlueSoft, École des Ponts ParisTech, Epsilon Malta Ltd, Technische Universität Braunschweig, and the Project Officer Radu Diaconescu from the Research Executive Agency at the European Union participated. During the meeting, each WP leader presented the progress implemented and the action points for the upcoming months regarding the SmartShip architecture, the design and development of the advanced data analytics module and the decision support module. The implementation of the dissemination activities and the action plan for future dissemination were discussed. The deviations that have occurred in SmartShip's work plan due to Covid-19 circumstances, have been presented and mitigation measures have been discussed and taken into consideration.