Mrs. Sofia Alexaki, from ENPC aka École des Ponts ParisTech completed her secondment in ITML from 15th of May 2021 until 14th of November 2021. During this period, work was performed in the context of WP5 “Smartship Decision Support and multi-layer optimization module” and in particular in the context of the development of State of the art in Decision Support and multi-layer optimization Technologies. The focus of her activities included:
- knowledge exchange between experts of ENPC and ITML in the fields of Decision support and optimization in terms of energy efficiency and emissions control in the maritime filed. In more detail, her activities included contribution in the development of state of the art, by identifying recent advances in the aforementioned fields, specifically implemented in the maritime industry, and based on the technical details defined during the requirements elicitation and analysis.
- Research of market-ready tool and technology already applied in the maritime industry, related to decision support systems and optimization tools in regards to energy efficiency, fuel consumption and emissions, as well as the identification of potential customization required for the aforementioned tools, in order to meet the requirements of Smartship as defined in WP2.
The research addressed by the above points is preliminary work to be incorporated in the project deliverable D5.1 “Decision support module and multi-layer optimization tools and technologies”.