Secondment completion from HUA to DANAOS (Feb 2022)

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Ioannis Korontanis1
Ioannis Korontanis
Ioannis Korontanis2

Mr. Ioannis Korontanis from Harokopio University of Greece (HUA), successfully completed his secondment to DANAOS, Cyprus on February 28th, 2022. His work during the secondment revolved around Work Package 5: SmartShip Decision Support and multi-layer optimization module. He successfully designed the first version of the data exchange protocol between HUA algorithms and DANAOS services. The secondee participated in Task 5.3: Design and Development of Data Analytics and Decision Support module and took into account inputs from Tasks 3.1, 5.1, and 5.2 in order to design the appropriate specifications. The secondment ended up successfully and consisted of 5 months – PM duration.